Sep.2023 27
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How To Care For Composite Decking?
Hey there, deck owner! So you've got yourself a beautiful composite deck, huh? Now you're probably wondering how to keep it looking as good as new. Well, you're in the right place. Caring for composite decking is a breeze, and we're going to walk you through it. From regular sweeping to tackling those pesky stains, we've got all the tips you'll need. Trust me, with a little love and attention, your deck will stay stunning for years to come. Ready to roll up your sleeves? Let's start!

What is composite decking?

Composite decking is like the cool cousin in the decking family! It's made from a mix of wood fibers and recycled plastic. This blend makes it super durable and way easier to maintain than traditional wood decks. No need to worry about rotting, warping, or splinters. Plus, it comes in various colors and styles, so you can customize your outdoor space. Another bonus? It's eco-friendly because it uses recycled materials. So, you can kick back and enjoy your deck without any guilt. Sounds like a win-win, right? 

The advantages of composite decking

Hey, you're thinking about composite decking? That's awesome! This choice has so many upsides, you won't believe it. Let's dive right in and explore why composite decking rocks.

Super Low Maintenance

First off, say goodbye to endless upkeep. No need to stain, paint, or seal composite decking. A simple wash keeps it looking brand new. Imagine all the time you'll save!

Seriously Durable

This stuff is strong! It resists fading, staining, and scratching. You won't find cracks or splinters here. Your deck will look amazing year after year.

It’s Eco-Friendly

Love the planet? Composite decking does too. Manufacturers often use recycled materials. That means fewer trees get cut down. It benefits both Mother Earth and you!

Uniform and Beautiful

Every board looks perfect. You won't find knots, cracks, or uneven color. Your deck will look sleek and modern. Trust me, your neighbors will be jealous!

No More Termites

Wood attracts critters like termites. But composite? Nope! Insects aren’t interested. Your deck stays strong and whole, no creepy crawlies allowed.


Safety first, right? Many composite decks have textured finishes. These offer better grip. So even when it's wet, you can walk without slipping.

Super Long-Lasting

Here’s a big one: these decks last a long time. Many come with a 25- to 30-year warranty. You could practically raise your kids and grandkids with the same deck.

Tons of Styles

Composite decking comes in loads of colors and styles. Want a tropical-wood look? Or maybe something rustic? You can choose a look that is ideal for your house.

Easy to Install

Some composite decks have grooves. These make installation super easy. No complicated tools needed. Even if you’re not a DIY pro, you can pull it off.

Cost-Effective in the Long Run

Yeah, the initial cost can be higher. But think long-term. You save on paints, stains, and treatments. Add that up over the years, and you'll see the savings.

No Harmful Chemicals

Some wooden decks need preservatives. These can be harmful to kids and pets. Composite decks don’t have this problem. They’re safe for everyone to enjoy.

Ideal for Pool Areas

Do you have a pool? Composite decking resists water damage. It’s also less slippery when wet. A perfect match for poolside fun!

Works in Any Weather

Composite decking handles all types of weather. Snow, rain, or sunshine, your deck stays stable. No warping, no shrinking, no expanding.

Easily Customizable

Want built-in benches? Or how about planters? With composite decking, customizing is easy. Get creative and make your outdoor space unique.

So there you have it! Composite decking offers a whole bundle of benefits. From durability to easy upkeep, it's a choice you won't regret.

How to care for composite decking: step by-step process

Hey there! Taking care of composite decking can make your outdoor space look fabulous for years. Let's get into it step-by-step, so you know exactly what to do. It's easier than you think!

Step 1: Regular Sweeping

First things first, grab a broom. Every week or so, give your deck a good sweep. This removes leaves, dirt, and debris. Simple, right?

Step 2: Handle Spills ASAP

Oops, spilled some BBQ sauce? No worries! Clean spills as they happen. Use a cloth or paper towel to wipe them up. Fast action keeps your deck stain-free.

Step 3: Hose it Down

Every month, get out your garden hose. Rinse the deck to wash away finer particles. Make sure to enter every corner.

Step 4: Use Soap and Water

Grab a bucket and mix some water with mild soap. Use a soft-bristle brush and scrub the deck. Don't forget the spaces between boards!

Step 5: Rinse Well

After soaping, rinse your deck thoroughly. You don't want any soap residue left. A good rinse keeps your deck clean and shiny.

Step 6: Check for Mold and Mildew

Look out for mold and mildew, especially in shady spots. If you see some, you'll need to clean it up right away.

Step 7: Use Specialized Cleaners

Some spots need extra care. Use a composite deck cleaner for stubborn stains. Always follow the instructions on the packaging.

Step 8: Avoid Harsh Chemicals

Never use bleach or other harsh chemicals. They can damage your deck. Stick to cleaners made for composite decking.

Step 9: Mind the Gaps

Dirt and debris can get stuck between boards. Use a putty knife to remove any gunk. Make sure you don't scratch the material.

Step 10: Inspect and Repair

Every few months, inspect your deck. Check for loose boards, screws, or any damage. If you find any, fix it to keep your deck safe and sturdy.

Step 11: Move Furniture Carefully

Love rearranging your outdoor furniture? Great! Just lift furniture when moving it. Dragging can scratch your deck.

Step 12: Protect the Surface

Consider using furniture pads under tables and chairs. This prevents scratching and keeps your deck looking new.

Step 13: Winter Care

Winter is coming? Remove all furniture and cover your deck if you can. If not, sweep snow off but avoid using a metal shovel.

Step 14: Yearly Deep Clean

Once a year, give your deck a deep clean. This means scrubbing, checking for wear and tear, and maybe even a specialized treatment if needed.

Step 15: Enjoy!

Sit back, relax, and enjoy your well-maintained deck! You've earned it.

So there you have it, taking care of your composite deck isn’t all that hard. Just follow these steps, and you're good to go.