Sep.2023 27
Views: 214
What Is Composite Fence Made Of?
Hey there! So you're curious about what composite fencing is made of, huh? Great question! Composite fences blend the best of both worlds—wood and plastic. Yep, you heard it right. These fences usually combine recycled wood fibers and plastic resins. The result? A super durable, eco-friendly option that looks fantastic. It's a match made in heaven for folks who want the feel of wood without all the maintenance. This blend gives you a fence that won't rot, warp, or fade quickly.

What is composite fencing?

Composite fencing is like the best of both worlds. It's made from a mix of wood fibers and plastic. So, you get the natural look of wood but way less upkeep. Unlike wood, this stuff doesn't rot or need constant painting. It's also super resistant to bugs and weather. Plus, it comes in a bunch of colors and styles. So it's simple to match it to your house. It's a bit pricier upfront than wood, but you save money and time on maintenance. It's a solid choice if you want a long-lasting, good-looking fence!

What is a composite fence made of?

Hey, glad you're curious about composite fencing! So, what's it made of? Well, composite fencing is like this awesome blend of wood fibers and plastic. The wood part gives it a natural, earthy vibe. The plastic makes it super durable and low-maintenance. Think of it as a team where each player has a special role.

Now, let's dive into the wood fibers. These usually come from recycled wood materials like sawdust, chips, or wood shavings. That's cool, right? You're kinda helping the planet when you opt for composite because it reuses stuff that might otherwise go to waste.

Onto the plastic. This is often recycled plastic, like from milk jugs or soda bottles. The plastic gives your fence that 'superpower' to resist rotting and warping. So, no worries about bugs chomping on it or it getting all weird in wet weather.

When they make composite fencing, they blend these wood fibers and plastic together under heat and pressure. This forms a material that's as workable as wood but as durable as plastic. That means it's easy to install, just like a regular wooden fence, but it'll last way longer.

What Are The Pros And Cons Of Composite Fencing?

So you're thinking about composite fencing, huh? Great choice, but let's dive into the pros and cons to make sure it's right for you.


Low Maintenance: First up, composite fencing is super low maintenance. You won't be spending your weekends painting or staining it. Just a quick hose-down will do.

Durable: These fences can last a long time. We're talking decades here. They resist rot, fading, and warping, so that's less stress for you.

Good Looks: They come in various styles and colors. You can even find options that mimic the look of natural wood if that's your jam.

Eco-Friendly: Made from recycled materials like plastic and wood fibers, composite fences are pretty eco-friendly.

Pest-Resistant: No need to worry about termites or other critters munching on your fence. They don't find composite tasty.

Privacy: These fences offer solid privacy. Unlike chain-link or even some wood fences, composite gives you full coverage.


Upfront Cost: Now, the initial cost can be a bit high. But remember, you'll save on maintenance in the long run.

Limited Repairs: If it gets damaged, you can't just replace one board. Often, you'll have to replace a whole section.

Can Get Hot: In direct sunlight, the material can heat up. So, if you've got pets, keep this in mind.

Weight: These fences are heavy. Make sure your posts are secure. You may need professional installation.

Color Fade: While they resist fading better than wood, they can still fade a bit over time.

Not 100% Natural: If you're a die-hard for natural materials, this won't give you that full "woodsy" feel.

So there you have it! Composite fencing has a lot going for it, but it's not for everyone. Consider your needs, your budget, and how much time you can dedicate to upkeep. If you're looking for something durable and low-maintenance, it's a strong contender. But if you're all about natural materials and don't mind a little DIY upkeep, you might lean toward traditional wood.


How long does a composite fence last?

Composite fences can last for decades, easily up to 20-30 years. They're super durable and resist rot, warping, and fading. That means less hassle and more free time for you.

What kind of maintenance does it need?

Good news: composite fencing needs very little maintenance. It is not necessary to paint or stain it. Just give it a hose-down once in a while to remove dirt or debris. Yep, it's that simple.

Is it more expensive than traditional wood fencing?

Initially, yes, composite fencing costs more upfront. But remember, it lasts longer and needs less maintenance. So, in the long run, you might save money and save time.

Can I install it myself or do I need a pro?

Composite fences are heavier than wood fences, so installation can be tricky. If you're handy, you might manage, but it's often better to go with a pro. This ensures your fence stays up and looks great for years.

Are composite fences eco-friendly?

You bet! Most composite fences use recycled materials like plastic and wood fibers. So, you're doing a solid for the planet by choosing this option.